Up in the Air

Up in the Air

Up in the Air STEAM Camp

Are you a parent who wants to give your child some STEAM enrichment before the end of the summer? Are you looking for a cost-friendly virtual class where your child can engage in various hands-on activities while still learning important STEAM concepts? Look no further than Irvine LIGHTS’ 5 day “Up in the Air” STEAM camp! The camp will take place from August 10-14, 10:00-11:30 AM on Zoom! With a well-developed curriculum suited for 4th graders and older, the Irvine LIGHTS Infinity team will provide a diverse set of lessons to introduce your child to the magnificent world of STEAM. A different aspect of STEAM will be taught each day through a captivating lesson followed by an exciting hands-on activity.  Space is limited, so sign up today!


Each days’ curriculum is based on one aspect of STEAM. Our camp’s overall theme is “Up in the Air” and will feature lessons followed by an interactive activity. For the science aspect, students will learn about how birds are able to fly, and afterwards will make their own paper birds. For the technology aspect, students will engage in creating a popsicle-stick catapult while also learning various physics concepts (at a basic level). For engineering, students will learn about the four forces of flight (thrust, lift, drag, and weight), and will engage in the engineering design process by improving their own paper airplanes. For Art, students will learn about the history of aviation, and then create their own popsicle-airplanes. For math, the last day, students will learn about circumference and the solar system, and will participate in a game of Kahoot (trivia) at the end.


The materials that are needed to attend this camp are as follows:

  • Pencils/crayons/markers
  • Paper
  • Glue
  • Scissors

All other materials will be provided via a specified material pick up area. If you are unable or uncomfortable with picking up materials, we will try our best to accommodate your needs.

How to Register

Registration will take place here. Please register quickly, as spots are extremely limited. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us at infinity@irvinelights.org


What if my child is younger than fourth grade?

  • Unfortunately, our curriculum is aligned with students fourth grade and above.

Does my child have to attend all five days?

  • Your child does not have to attend every day. If your child misses a day for whatever reason, please contact us at infinity@irvinelights.org to let us know.

What if I am not able to pick up materials?

  • We will be hand delivering the materials to those who cannot attend the material pick up area.

Will the materials be properly handled and sanitized?

  • Yes! At Irvine LIGHTS, safety is our number one priority. As such, we will be sanitizing our materials and having staggered distribution times.

Have more questions?

Where will my donation go?

  • As a nonprofit, we rely on donations from our wonderful supporters to continue to grow and impact the community. For this event, the $5 donations will directly fund the cost of the materials and camp journals for each student. We are extremely thankful for all of your contributions.
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